Friday, February 09, 2007

God Loves Montrose... Do you?

Many times people have asked me, why did you move to Montrose? The answer that most people could relate to was that we moved here because we could get more house for our money. While this is a good and valid reason, there was more to it than that. God called my husband and I to Montrose to begin a ministry called Jacob’s Well.

This week I spent a great deal of time praying for what God wanted Jacob’s Well to do in Montrose. I kept thinking that God would give me some incredible direction to go that would bring God glory. God didn’t give me a detailed plan or an incredible vision but instead a question.

“Do You Love Montrose?”

Of course I do, but I haven’t necessarily done a good job at living it out. I’ve tried. I volunteered at the city and at the school. I have attended city events and promoted activities, but I feel that there is more that I could be doing. More love to go around.

My question is what does this look like? How does unconditional love and compassion apply to a place and the people who live and reside there? Is it about doing good for those in the community or is there more to it than that?

I believe that God would want this community to be one that is known for its love and compassion for the people. But, how do we get to the point that we have this kind of love for each other. I think that it comes out of prayer.

Lord, please give us your eyes so that we may see how you love this city of Montrose, Minnesota. Let us show your love. Let us know what is wrong in order to make it right in Montrose. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.

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