Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rob Bell... Where is Satan?

Because there had been such a debate upon Rob Bell's new book 'Love Wins', I really didn't want to comment or add my two cents to the conversation until I had read the book. (Which, I might add, did not take me more than a couple of hours to read the entire thing). So, please, before you offer your critique of it, I urge you to take the time to read the book.

Now, I actually agree with MOST of what Rob Bell says in the book. I can buy talking about the evil in the world as 'hell' (at least one definition of it)... I firmly believe that we participate in God's Kingdom (Heaven) NOW when we become Christians... I also agree that God can work through other religions to bring you to Christ (it happened to me!)

So, you might ask me if there is heaven and hell after death... I would answer 'yes' in both cases intensified experiences from what we can experience in this lifetime. There are too many accounts of people who have come 'back from the dead' to deny this (and accounts of BOTH places).

But back to Rob Bell... what I find strange in a book that has the subject matter of 'Heaven' and 'Hell' that Bell doesn't talk about Satan. Maybe I missed something, but I don't remember anywhere in the book Bell talking about Satan. Sure Bell brings up demons, but I don't really remember him responding one way or another to Satan. Did I miss something? Maybe I did... after all, I did read the book very quickly. So, 'Love Wins'... but doesn't Love (God) triumph over Evil (Satan)... strange that part is missing... maybe in his next book.

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