I have heard over and over again that as Christians we are supposed to share the gospel with people. I don’t know if I am the only one or not, but I have often wondered what exactly are we supposed to share with others.
I tried explaining how I understood the Biblical account and shared with people how Jesus Christ died on the cross for us. The response: “That’s nice, but I didn’t ask him to.”
So I attempted another approach. I tried explaining how it was to experience ‘walking with God.’ The response: “Why would I want to do that?”
I’ve tried to logically explain how all of prophecies about the messiah were fulfilled in one person. The response: “You can’t trust the Bible, it was written by men and they make errors.”
None of these seem like ‘good news’ to me. So what is missing?
We need to remember that God sent Jesus Christ to earth as a human in order to help restore humanity to a right relationship with God. In other words, Jesus came to make what was wrong right. This is the good news.
So, in my life, what has God made right? Before I followed Jesus, I tried to do everything on my own through my own motives and understanding. I struggled to make sense of everything and most of the time I felt very much alone. When I decided to follow the way of Jesus Christ, I asked him to enter my life and partner with me in it. After he welcomed me with open arms, there were still struggles but I have not felt alone anymore. I know that no matter where I go or what I do, Jesus has partnered with me to make it through everything.
This is my good news: I no longer need to live life alone. Instead, I am able to live it in Christ.
What is your ‘good news’?
Peace, Lisa
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