Thursday, February 28, 2008

Operation Joseph Review

I don’t think I had fully understood Joseph’s ministry in Egypt when I wrote the blog entry for the Coffeehouse Vision…

Joseph’s ministry in Egypt was a direct response to the crisis that was happening around him. He was ‘called’ by Pharaoh into a ministry that feed people in a drought situation. Yes, Joseph had vision from God to lead him through this situation.

I, too, have found myself through circumstances to be helping out in the middle of a crisis situation here in Montrose. Last fall, the school district proposed a levy for operating expenses in the district. Well, this levy did not pass and now we are faced with many personnel cuts across the district.

One of the cuts directly effects a program that my daughter is involved in… there will no longer be funding for the instructor for the Montrose Suzuki Program. I volunteered to be a part of the grant-writing committee (thinking I would learn how to write grants for the coffee shop) and I find myself working on proposals and going to school board meetings just to save the program.

I know that I didn’t realize it at the time, but I feel that I was ‘called’ like Joseph into this situation so that I would be able to participate in it and make a difference for the kids.

I think this is what true ministry should look like… helping out when needed in whatever way you are able to. What I am participating in now with the Suzuki group is probably more like Joseph’s ministry than what I had thought about with the coffee shop. Isn’t it wonderful when God places you right where you are needed?


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Basic Church

A wise woman recently had this advice for me. She said that you need to have a church that you would like to attend. Sounds simple enough…

I have been wondering lately where Jacob’s Well is heading. We have been on a break for awhile now and I have been getting a pull to begin holding meetings again.

Maybe it’s just that I miss the conversation….

So I have been thinking about what I would want in a church and here are the elements that I am would like:

-People who are in love with Christ
You would think that in a church, you would find people who are in love with Christ to such an extent that they would devote their lives to growing closer to Christ. Sadly, this is rarely the case.
I love to talk about God and would enjoy being a part of a group that wants to talk about God as well. Not only could we talk about God but also what it means to be a Christian today in Montrose Minnesota and how we can share God’s love with others.
-Sharing life together
Purposefully spending time with one another and sharing your journey together.
-Meals together
There is just something about eating together. There is a segment on Disney Channel called “Pass the Plate” that talks about sharing food across cultures. Right now, I would be interested in simply sharing a meal here in Montrose.

So, I am proposing that Jacob’s Well would resume as a Basic Church. No frills, just people loving Christ who want to spend time with one another to talk about God over a meal. This Basic Church is the next step in the life of Jacob’s Well.


PS I suppose y’all are wondering about the coffeehouse. I have had a little bit of movement in this area, but I still have not found any core group of people who also feel called to this ministry. Until I do, this dream will have to rest for awhile.