What is Jacob’s Well?
Jacob’s Well is a Christian neighborhood church
dedicated to serving the community of Montrose, Minnesota.
Why a ‘neighborhood church’?
At Jacob’s Well, we believe that church is about people becoming better people. We meet as smaller neighborhood groups in order to provide an intimate setting to share life as we learn how to be Christians together.
How do you ‘serve’?
At Jacob’s Well, we believe that Christians are to show love to others and help out wherever needed. The participants of Jacob’s Well attempt to live this out in our daily lives. This is how we serve Montrose… by truly caring about the community. Foundations of Jacob’s Well
In October of2003, we began Jacob’s Well with some simple ideas:
- Christians need to be living their lives in Christ 24/7
- As Christians we join God wherever God is already working in the lives of others
- We don’t have definitive answers about Christianity, but are willing to explore the possibilities